Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I didn't sleep well last night. That isn't particulary unusual for me. I can't recall a time in my life when I have been a good sleeper. I have always been envious of those who are dead to the world as soon as their head hits the pillow, or those who can fall asleep anywhere. I don't get it. If I knew how to become like them I would.

I hear everything. I dream like crazy and remember a lot of them because I wake up a lot. Sometimes I can't fall asleep for awhile, other times I stay awake for awhile when I wake up in the night, but mostly, I'm just restless. If I lay in one position too long, I ache and the pain wakes me up. I think "too long" may only be a half hour, an hour at the most. Sometimes there is just too much on my mind to sleep. I've even counted how many times I have woke up in the night. Don't laugh! It gives me something to do. I would say it wouldn't be an odd thing for me to wake up 10 times a night. And if I am sleeping away from home, I am doomed to be sleepless!

I don't wake up refreshed in the mornings. I can honestly tell you that I don't even know what that means. I have heard that sleep depravation is worse than drinking. I know I kind of live in the land of tired, but do my friends think I am walking around in a drunken stupor? The funny thing is I know I function better when I've had decent sleep, but how does one acquire that? I am a great napper, though. (Provided conditions are near perfect.....no noise, comfortable bed, and a temperature that isn't too hot or cold.) I feel more rested after an hour's nap than I sometimes do after a night's sleep. I am not convinced that I have ever had a full night's sleep.

Is it time for a nap yet?

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