I haven't written in a while. It isn't because I don't want to, it is just other things have been occupying my time. I've been spending a lot of time playing the piano....or trying to play the piano. I've been spending time writing songs....or trying to write songs. I've been going to meetings about writing songs. I've been trying to keep the house in order. I've been trying to clean up my scrapbook room. I let it fall apart over the holidays. It became the project room and catchall.
I've been trying to stay up on my job (okay, so it is volunteer work, but it still takes just as much time.) I've been trying to exercise more. NO! I have been exercising more. That is one of those things you either do or you don't do. AND it takes time....time I don't enjoy all that much. It's like medicine. You choke it down....you push through.
I've been trying to be hospitable by having people over more often. I guess my guests would have to answer for my hospitality, but I invited and they came. I enjoyed the time and I hope they did, too. I've been trying to organize several other events for people to get together for meetings or fellowship. Some of those will be here and some at other venues. It all takes time....
I suppose I could have tried harder to write in my blog. I would have had to choose this as how to use my time. I enjoy writing in it, it gives me an outlet to say what's own my heart and mind. Those two can run the spectrum of feeling and thought. Watch out, reader!
Well....I tried to write in my blog tonight and I succeeded. It is pretty much a crazy bunch of nothingness, yet it's written all the same.
Let me at least leave you with something to ponder. Tonight I ate a fortune cookie. My fortune said, "Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you." That is all fine and good, but I'm not waiting three months. Good things could happen to me tomorrow!!
BTW, if my kids are reading this: I ate my whole cookie before I read the fortune! :)