The other day I had the craziest thought. I started thinking that in 30 short years I would be my mother's age. That is scary! What happens to time anyway? If that wasn't enough, I then realized in the very same 30 years my youngest child will be my age. That feels ridiculous!

It is easy to do the math. I was born when my Mom was thirty and my youngest was born when I was the same age. That isn't the point, though. The last 30 years have flown by!!!! I believe it is true that the older you get the faster the clock ticks. That isn't fact of course, but it sure
seems to be true. I've already experienced this phenomena. How quick will the next three decades go?

All that being said, I know that my life is in the hands of God alone. Who but He knows that my lifespan may be shorter than those next thirty years. He chooses the amount of days. I choose how I live them. Time is indeed slipping away. What will I do with it?
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." Ps. 90:12 & 14
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