Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday People

I am part of a team of people that helped to put services together each week for our church. For the majority of America the work week ends on Friday, but for my team the week ends at about noon on Sunday, right after the service. One member of the team often says she wishes that she could be one of the "Sunday People". Those are the people who have casual Sunday mornings. You might see them at the local coffee shop leisurely sipping coffee and reading the paper, out for a jog, maybe walking the dog. It appears they have nothing to do and plenty of time to do it in.

Those of us who work for the church (at least in the capacity we do) are having one the busiest times of the week in those same few hours. We are putting all the pieces in place that help the worship service to happen. The more I think about it, I realize I am too a Sunday person, and maybe even more so than the joggers and dog-walkers. I am all about what happens on Sunday or I wouldn't do what I do. So what does happen on Sunday in my world?

I go meet with a group of people who come together to corporately worship and learn more about their God and how to live to honor Him. I often play a role there as band member, singer, worship leader, encouraging volunteers, giving the welcome or announcements and various other things. It makes my morning busy, but I feel God has chosen this path for me and placed me where I am. It is a privilege, an honor to walk along side God's people there.

Sometime later on the Sunday afternoon I take a nap. I seriously consider this my Sabbath Rest. It helps me to have energy for the rest of my week. The rest of the day is given to things such as family or our small group, playing the piano or being creative. This particular Sunday we spent the evening with our small group over dinner, getting to know them better and finding out what is going on in their lives. They are a great bunch of people!

Sunday is a very good day! I am all about Sunday. I am a Sunday person. (Come to think of it, I believe I was born on a Sunday.)

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