Monday, December 29, 2008
Gotta quote it!
" A friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked." Author unknown
It's Quotable
If the will to walk is really present, God is pleased even with your stumbles.---C.S. Lewis
Thursday, December 25, 2008
So Thin I Can Almost.......
Have you ever had an experience where God's presence is so real, He is almost tangible? In a moment you realize you are on sacred ground and feel that if you pushed your hand through a very thin, yet invisible curtain you might be able to touch Him? The Celtic people called this experience a "thin place." Dr. Beverly Rose says this about them. "Imagine a place between seashore and sea, earth and sky, here and now and heaven to come---a place where the veil between this life and the next is so thin you can almost touch the face of God."
In the thirty-third chapter of Exodus God shows himself to the nation of Israel as a pillar of cloud. Verses nine and ten say this, "As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses. Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshipped at the entrance of their tents." For the Israelites, this was a very thin place.
Later Moses asked God if he could have the benefit of knowing Him better, that he might adequately lead God's people. The Lord promises that His Presence will remain with Moses. Moses then asks for one step deeper into this relationship with his God. In verse eighteen Moses makes a bold statement, saying, "Now show me your glory." The Lord responds, proclaiming, " I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence."...."But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." God then hides Moses in the cleft of the rock, covering him with His hand until He passes, allowing Moses to see only His back, but not His face.
In the thirty-third chapter of Exodus God shows himself to the nation of Israel as a pillar of cloud. Verses nine and ten say this, "As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses. Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshipped at the entrance of their tents." For the Israelites, this was a very thin place.
Later Moses asked God if he could have the benefit of knowing Him better, that he might adequately lead God's people. The Lord promises that His Presence will remain with Moses. Moses then asks for one step deeper into this relationship with his God. In verse eighteen Moses makes a bold statement, saying, "Now show me your glory." The Lord responds, proclaiming, " I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence."...."But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live." God then hides Moses in the cleft of the rock, covering him with His hand until He passes, allowing Moses to see only His back, but not His face.
Talk about a very thin place! It doesn't get much more thread-like than that, until.......
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:11)
"All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us"). Matt: 1:22-23
The veil is pushed aside, the thinness becomes transparent as we gaze into the face of God suddenly revealed in a newborn baby, Jesus, Immanuel.....God with us! Hallelujah!
He Came!
Today is Christmas! It is the day I have been anticipating for the last 364 days. It is worth celebrating......this birthday of the Savior. It may not be the exact anniversary of His coming, but the precise date is irrelevant to the acknowledgement of it.
Traditionally it is a day to get together with family and friends. The ways in which we observe the holiday are as boundless as the number of people who celebrate it. We may exchange gifts, share in a delicious meal, worship together, sing, play games, or sit around conversing with one another. People travel extensively in order to get "home" for Christmas. It is a season filled with joy!
Before you give up on my happy reflection on the commemoration of the day, please know that I understand it doesn't "feel" joyous to all. Sometimes life is extremely tough. People are lonely, jobless, in oppressive situations, broke, in poor health and the list goes on. The Christmas season can heap disappointment, despondency and even despair on a already dampened spirit. All the hustle, bustle, and the high expectations we put on ourselves and each other can affect even the cheeriest of persons. I personally love everything about Christmas, but I have to be careful myself not to succumb to what can become crazy activity rather than honoring the true reason of the day.
It is so easy to miss the point. So what is the point? It is the celebration of the fact that God came to earth. The first chapter of John says, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Later in John we are reminded that because of God's love for us, he sent his son. But if our lives are difficult, if we are suffering or if we find ourselves in the midst of a life we didn't exactly sign up for we begin to wonder if God cares at all and we miss the point.
Do you remember a time in your life when you were involved in something special, something you enjoyed or an acheievement you worked hard to attain? It may have been a sporting event, a concert, an art fair, a performance or some other venture. You look up, searching for that certain someone in the crowd. Perhaps you longed to see your dad, your mom, a good friend, that teacher who encouraged you along the way. Your expectation is great, but it is an honest need, the need to know they care. We all long for someone who will champion for us. When they don't come the disappointment hits like a slap in the face. You they not care about me? Are they disinterested? Am I not worth their time?
But....if you look up, see them walk in, take a seat, maybe catch your eye, give a nod of the head or a wave, there is one resounding voice inside you that cries, "They came!" No other words are needed. They are there for you and you know in that moment how much you mean to them.
So it is with God. In our pain, the earthly struggle, and in the midst of suffering we ask similar questions. Does he not know what I am going through? Is He indifferent? Doesn't He love me?
So on this Christmas night, even if the season has been a tough one, I want to remind you of one all important thing, the reason we celebrate and how He demonstrates His great love for you..............HE CAME.
Traditionally it is a day to get together with family and friends. The ways in which we observe the holiday are as boundless as the number of people who celebrate it. We may exchange gifts, share in a delicious meal, worship together, sing, play games, or sit around conversing with one another. People travel extensively in order to get "home" for Christmas. It is a season filled with joy!
Before you give up on my happy reflection on the commemoration of the day, please know that I understand it doesn't "feel" joyous to all. Sometimes life is extremely tough. People are lonely, jobless, in oppressive situations, broke, in poor health and the list goes on. The Christmas season can heap disappointment, despondency and even despair on a already dampened spirit. All the hustle, bustle, and the high expectations we put on ourselves and each other can affect even the cheeriest of persons. I personally love everything about Christmas, but I have to be careful myself not to succumb to what can become crazy activity rather than honoring the true reason of the day.
It is so easy to miss the point. So what is the point? It is the celebration of the fact that God came to earth. The first chapter of John says, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Later in John we are reminded that because of God's love for us, he sent his son. But if our lives are difficult, if we are suffering or if we find ourselves in the midst of a life we didn't exactly sign up for we begin to wonder if God cares at all and we miss the point.
Do you remember a time in your life when you were involved in something special, something you enjoyed or an acheievement you worked hard to attain? It may have been a sporting event, a concert, an art fair, a performance or some other venture. You look up, searching for that certain someone in the crowd. Perhaps you longed to see your dad, your mom, a good friend, that teacher who encouraged you along the way. Your expectation is great, but it is an honest need, the need to know they care. We all long for someone who will champion for us. When they don't come the disappointment hits like a slap in the face. You they not care about me? Are they disinterested? Am I not worth their time?
But....if you look up, see them walk in, take a seat, maybe catch your eye, give a nod of the head or a wave, there is one resounding voice inside you that cries, "They came!" No other words are needed. They are there for you and you know in that moment how much you mean to them.
So it is with God. In our pain, the earthly struggle, and in the midst of suffering we ask similar questions. Does he not know what I am going through? Is He indifferent? Doesn't He love me?
So on this Christmas night, even if the season has been a tough one, I want to remind you of one all important thing, the reason we celebrate and how He demonstrates His great love for you..............HE CAME.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Spirit
Whew! Can I just say it has been an exhausting couple of weeks?
Christmas is a wonderful time of year and I honestly love it! Just ask those who know me well. My house is filled with Christmas decor and I love every little piece of it. It's festive! It's fun! It's a bit frivolous, but that's okay. For some reason it makes me smile. Oh, but I'm getting sidetracked......Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but it is busier than much of the remainder of the calendar. My pace was good this year. I was moving along quite nicely, getting the decor in place, purchasing gifts, getting them wrapped, finding time for extras like concerts and a few parties, then I got sick.
I had no choice, but to put the brakes on for a couple of days and succumb to the virus....fever, sinus crude, headache, are familiar with the scene. After the toughest couple of days I tried to slowly resume the duties. It was tough. I still didn't feel well, and quite frankly 9 days into this "thing" it is reluctant to let go.
Adding to a full schedule we headed out of town this weekend. We drove about an hour and stopped to help my husband's parents with a couple of things they needed done. Our destination, though, was to attend my daughter's college graduation. The commencement was late Saturday afternoon, but we went a day early because she had an honors ceremony bright and early in the morning. It was wonderful to share the occasion with her and two of her siblings. The whole family came back on Saturday evening to greet our youngest, who was arriving home from his study abroad in Japan. We stayed up late sharing in his adventures, taking a look at all his souvenirs and hearing him play his newly purchased instrument, the Japanese shamisen. I wanted to be in the midst of my family, laughing, talking, teasing.....but there was a part of me that was desperately longing for my bed and pillow. Weariness was consuming me.
Finally, I crawled into my big bed. It was a glorious feeling! Settling into the pillow, I told my husband that I wished the world didn't exist and that I could just lay in my bed all morning. I then corrected myself by saying. It isn't that I wish the world didn't exist, I just wish I didn't have to interface with it or anyone in it.
How's that for the Christmas spirit? I am not very proud of that statement, although it was extremely honest in the moment. I really hope it was fatigue and left over flu symptoms talking. What does it take to be fully engaged with those around me no matter how I am feeling? How do I exemplify the One who came from heaven to fully engage all of mankind, including me? That is the spirit of Christmas by which I desire to live, though I do so insufficiently.
Christmas is a wonderful time of year and I honestly love it! Just ask those who know me well. My house is filled with Christmas decor and I love every little piece of it. It's festive! It's fun! It's a bit frivolous, but that's okay. For some reason it makes me smile. Oh, but I'm getting sidetracked......Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but it is busier than much of the remainder of the calendar. My pace was good this year. I was moving along quite nicely, getting the decor in place, purchasing gifts, getting them wrapped, finding time for extras like concerts and a few parties, then I got sick.
I had no choice, but to put the brakes on for a couple of days and succumb to the virus....fever, sinus crude, headache, are familiar with the scene. After the toughest couple of days I tried to slowly resume the duties. It was tough. I still didn't feel well, and quite frankly 9 days into this "thing" it is reluctant to let go.
Adding to a full schedule we headed out of town this weekend. We drove about an hour and stopped to help my husband's parents with a couple of things they needed done. Our destination, though, was to attend my daughter's college graduation. The commencement was late Saturday afternoon, but we went a day early because she had an honors ceremony bright and early in the morning. It was wonderful to share the occasion with her and two of her siblings. The whole family came back on Saturday evening to greet our youngest, who was arriving home from his study abroad in Japan. We stayed up late sharing in his adventures, taking a look at all his souvenirs and hearing him play his newly purchased instrument, the Japanese shamisen. I wanted to be in the midst of my family, laughing, talking, teasing.....but there was a part of me that was desperately longing for my bed and pillow. Weariness was consuming me.
Finally, I crawled into my big bed. It was a glorious feeling! Settling into the pillow, I told my husband that I wished the world didn't exist and that I could just lay in my bed all morning. I then corrected myself by saying. It isn't that I wish the world didn't exist, I just wish I didn't have to interface with it or anyone in it.
How's that for the Christmas spirit? I am not very proud of that statement, although it was extremely honest in the moment. I really hope it was fatigue and left over flu symptoms talking. What does it take to be fully engaged with those around me no matter how I am feeling? How do I exemplify the One who came from heaven to fully engage all of mankind, including me? That is the spirit of Christmas by which I desire to live, though I do so insufficiently.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
What Could Be More Purr-fect?
"If there were a universal sound depicting peace,
I would surely vote for the purr."
--Barbara L. Diamond--

"Cats are often used as "therapy animals" in convalescent hospitals, or in retirement residences. It is an accepted fact that cat owners have lower blood pressure, especially in older people. The human-feline bond is never quite so close as when a person is holding and petting a purring, vibrating bundle of fur on her lap, and all is well with the world. You may even find yourself purring in response."

It's Quotable
"Always choose character even when it leads you down a difficult, painful or hard road. The person who is constantly looking for the easy way out is not going to become all he or she has been created to be." ---Gary Smalley
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Comfort and Joy
Good morning. It is Saturday. I got up early, not that I wanted to, but I couldn't sleep any longer. The truth is I could have slept a lot longer, I just couldn't breathe. I hate sleeping without breathing. It isn't restful. All of this fall I have been around so many sick people. I was pleased that I had not succumb to any of the illnesses.....until now. Last weekend my daughter was in town. She was sick for the second time within 2 or 3 weeks. Her parting words were, "Bye, Mom, don't get sick." Of course I said, "I won't!" I did......I am.
It is that time of year when there are so many extras to do. I still have to buy some gifts. Most of the gifts are purchased and a few are wrapped, the decor is in place, Christmas music is wafting through the house. Yet, I haven't written a single card, some on my list I have simply no idea what to get for them, we have a graduation the weekend before Christmas, holiday parties, so much to do....and here I am sitting, writing......
It is all I have the energy for in the moment. I have a cup of echinacea wellness tea next to me, sweetened with just a touch of honey. It probably won't make me well, but it is soothing, comforting.
"O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy......" In the moment I have a little comfort in a cup. I am not happy about my present condition, but I will still look for the joy. Maybe He is calling me to simply rest. I can find great joy in that alone!
It is that time of year when there are so many extras to do. I still have to buy some gifts. Most of the gifts are purchased and a few are wrapped, the decor is in place, Christmas music is wafting through the house. Yet, I haven't written a single card, some on my list I have simply no idea what to get for them, we have a graduation the weekend before Christmas, holiday parties, so much to do....and here I am sitting, writing......
It is all I have the energy for in the moment. I have a cup of echinacea wellness tea next to me, sweetened with just a touch of honey. It probably won't make me well, but it is soothing, comforting.
"O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy......" In the moment I have a little comfort in a cup. I am not happy about my present condition, but I will still look for the joy. Maybe He is calling me to simply rest. I can find great joy in that alone!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
No Comparison!!!!
climb up the hill to see and pray to the great Buddha.
They had to go to the statue to speak to "god".
My God came down to me in the form of a baby,
Emmanuel, God with us.

He came down for you, too! May you know his great love for you!
Monday, December 8, 2008
When I was a child I had a tendency to become sad the night before my birthday. I know, most children are happy, excited, even giddy as their birthday approaches. I never claimed to be like "most". I vividly remember the night before my 8th birthday. I was crying, nearly sobbing. Someone came into my room and asked me what was wrong. (The "Someone" tells you that part of the memory isn't all that vivid. I can't remember who it was, but I believe it was my mom or sister.)
My repsonse is very clear, though. I told them that I loved being seven and that I didn't want to leave that age. I had no desire to become the grand age of eight. This makes perfect sense to me. If we love where we are, why would we want to ever leave? Like that birthday eve, however, time does pass and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. I turned 8 and 9 and 10......
Life does call us to leave things we love and sometimes the things (or ones) we love leave us.
Today is my birthday. Last night I had no desire to turn one year older. I didn't cry about it, just in case you are wondering. Time passes even faster than it did at 7 and before I know it I will be looking at the calendar on December 7, 2009, another birthday's eve. The truth is I don't really know that. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I have been given this day. I must choose how I will live it. If I love where I am, I must love it fully, for it is fleeting. If I do not love where I am, I can choose to make it better. Happy Birthday to me!
My repsonse is very clear, though. I told them that I loved being seven and that I didn't want to leave that age. I had no desire to become the grand age of eight. This makes perfect sense to me. If we love where we are, why would we want to ever leave? Like that birthday eve, however, time does pass and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. I turned 8 and 9 and 10......
Life does call us to leave things we love and sometimes the things (or ones) we love leave us.
Today is my birthday. Last night I had no desire to turn one year older. I didn't cry about it, just in case you are wondering. Time passes even faster than it did at 7 and before I know it I will be looking at the calendar on December 7, 2009, another birthday's eve. The truth is I don't really know that. I don't know what tomorrow holds. I have been given this day. I must choose how I will live it. If I love where I am, I must love it fully, for it is fleeting. If I do not love where I am, I can choose to make it better. Happy Birthday to me!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Path is Good
Ever pick up your journal and open to some random page to see where you've been? or maybe how far you have come? Sometimes you can see how a prayer is answered. You might find your self in the same, familiar situation, but looking back you realize that you are viewing it with a new perspective.
I opened mine today to Nov. 15, 2006. While I wouldn't share every page of my journal with you, I'll let you in on my life for that moment in time. This is what it says:
"Last week I was struggling with melancholy (again). I do not like the way it feels. I long to be joyful, contagiously so at all times, yet......
I asked for others to pray for me in the struggle. On one hand, I wanted relief, but through the struggle, I realize that what I really want is for it to serve some purpose in the Kingdom of God.
Is it to drive me into His arms? Is it to burden my heart to intercede on behalf of others? Is it to move me to act on their behalf? Is there something else in it that I have not discovered? I feel God is refining me, constantly moving me in baby steps toward the person He has designed me to become."
My present state is not one of melancholy, but I am keenly aware of what it feels like. I'm not sure if I have all the answers to the questions I asked myself that day, but my stride has increased. Whatever my mood I have been learning to see God more clearly in all areas of my life. Instead of reacting to circumstances I am responding to Him in the situation. I don't do this perfectly and I'm still being refined, but the path I'm walking is very good.
I opened mine today to Nov. 15, 2006. While I wouldn't share every page of my journal with you, I'll let you in on my life for that moment in time. This is what it says:
"Last week I was struggling with melancholy (again). I do not like the way it feels. I long to be joyful, contagiously so at all times, yet......
I asked for others to pray for me in the struggle. On one hand, I wanted relief, but through the struggle, I realize that what I really want is for it to serve some purpose in the Kingdom of God.
Is it to drive me into His arms? Is it to burden my heart to intercede on behalf of others? Is it to move me to act on their behalf? Is there something else in it that I have not discovered? I feel God is refining me, constantly moving me in baby steps toward the person He has designed me to become."
My present state is not one of melancholy, but I am keenly aware of what it feels like. I'm not sure if I have all the answers to the questions I asked myself that day, but my stride has increased. Whatever my mood I have been learning to see God more clearly in all areas of my life. Instead of reacting to circumstances I am responding to Him in the situation. I don't do this perfectly and I'm still being refined, but the path I'm walking is very good.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Becoming Better
A few years ago I decided to take piano lessons. I can read music and I have played at the piano since I was young, but I was self-taught and I had much to learn. My initial goal was to learn chords, how to play from them, to be better at timing and to get a feel for playing different genres of music. I also felt that learning all these things would hopefully improve my songwriting. Initially I had not wanted to play classical pieces. I enjoy classical music, but honestly didn't believe I had the ability or the time to learn them. They seemed so complicated.
I have learned all these things and so much more, including the classical stuff. It is hard to know where I am on the continuum of my own ability, but I do know I have come a long way. Yet, each little part I finally grasp in my head or trust my ears for and get to come out my fingers reminds me of the countless other steps I need to take.
I asked my instructor the other day what a daily practice schedule would look like to be better in a reasonable amount of time. This began a discussion of what "better" and "reasonable" mean. I told him I want to be good yesterday. I'm serious, though, what does it really take? And this question leads to more questions....what am I doing this for? to what end? at this stage of my life? am I longing to be a better pianist simply for the sake of being better, or because maybe I really can?
The funny thing about all of this is that it isn't something I actually pictured myself doing "someday", you know? Yet, here I am, compelled beyond all reason to do it and to do it well. So what will it take?
"Be determined as you must in order to reach your goals----take charge with a can do attitude---but let it be known that there is always room for improvisation."
"Don't look back to find out where you are going. The answer is in front of you...Be a precursor of who you will become later." (both quotes from The Art of Growing Up)
I have learned all these things and so much more, including the classical stuff. It is hard to know where I am on the continuum of my own ability, but I do know I have come a long way. Yet, each little part I finally grasp in my head or trust my ears for and get to come out my fingers reminds me of the countless other steps I need to take.
I asked my instructor the other day what a daily practice schedule would look like to be better in a reasonable amount of time. This began a discussion of what "better" and "reasonable" mean. I told him I want to be good yesterday. I'm serious, though, what does it really take? And this question leads to more questions....what am I doing this for? to what end? at this stage of my life? am I longing to be a better pianist simply for the sake of being better, or because maybe I really can?
The funny thing about all of this is that it isn't something I actually pictured myself doing "someday", you know? Yet, here I am, compelled beyond all reason to do it and to do it well. So what will it take?
"Be determined as you must in order to reach your goals----take charge with a can do attitude---but let it be known that there is always room for improvisation."
"Don't look back to find out where you are going. The answer is in front of you...Be a precursor of who you will become later." (both quotes from The Art of Growing Up)
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