"If there were a universal sound depicting peace,
I would surely vote for the purr."
--Barbara L. Diamond--

I don't know Barbara, but I agree with her. I suppose you have to be a cat owner (or very familiar with them) to understand. There is just something incredibly comforting and soothing in the deep vibration. When I hold one of my cats over my shoulder, I love to lay my head against their side and soak in their purr. When Nobu (one of my cats) naps beside me he lays right next to my hip, the perfect distance for my hand to rest on him and feel the low intoxicating rumble of his purr. It is extremely relaxing!

I thought maybe I was the only one who thought this and then I came across this quote from an article titled "The Remarkable Purr of a Cat" by Franny Syufy.
"Cats are often used as "therapy animals" in convalescent hospitals, or in retirement residences. It is an accepted fact that cat owners have lower blood pressure, especially in older people. The human-feline bond is never quite so close as when a person is holding and petting a purring, vibrating bundle of fur on her lap, and all is well with the world. You may even find yourself purring in response."

I don't know about purring myself, but the next time you need a little creature comfort and turn to whatever your vice or addiction might be, maybe you should just consider spending time with a feline.
Oh how I miss our kitties! I am looking forward to coming home on Friday- and spending time with family and animals! Will you be in town over Christmas? Love, Jen
so far this week... i had to pick up christmas tree pieces, clean up the food bag that bently chewed open and then knocked over a diet coke into, also i have to open the blinds every morning, letting in the cold, so they dont get chewed up. i have to feed them day and night, because if you leave the food out, abella overeats and pukes on the floor. worst of all, there is poop and litter everywhere except in the litter pan. to top it all off, theyre not even my cats. i think ill stick with puppy kisses. oh yeah, i almost forgot... bentley bites if you dont pet him. http://www.tastephx.com/assets/images/chocolate_lab.jpg
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