Saturday, December 13, 2008

Comfort and Joy

Good morning. It is Saturday. I got up early, not that I wanted to, but I couldn't sleep any longer. The truth is I could have slept a lot longer, I just couldn't breathe. I hate sleeping without breathing. It isn't restful. All of this fall I have been around so many sick people. I was pleased that I had not succumb to any of the illnesses.....until now. Last weekend my daughter was in town. She was sick for the second time within 2 or 3 weeks. Her parting words were, "Bye, Mom, don't get sick." Of course I said, "I won't!" I did......I am.

It is that time of year when there are so many extras to do. I still have to buy some gifts. Most of the gifts are purchased and a few are wrapped, the decor is in place, Christmas music is wafting through the house. Yet, I haven't written a single card, some on my list I have simply no idea what to get for them, we have a graduation the weekend before Christmas, holiday parties, so much to do....and here I am sitting, writing......

It is all I have the energy for in the moment. I have a cup of echinacea wellness tea next to me, sweetened with just a touch of honey. It probably won't make me well, but it is soothing, comforting.

"O, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy......" In the moment I have a little comfort in a cup. I am not happy about my present condition, but I will still look for the joy. Maybe He is calling me to simply rest. I can find great joy in that alone!

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