Saturday, August 30, 2008


Tomorrow morning Luke (my youngest) leaves for Japan. He has had this crazy affection toward Japan for years, starting with admiration for the Samurai and their code of honor. He has always been a homebody, but I knew that someday he would go. He needed to......he needs to. He has to figure out why God placed this country in his heart and what he might have for him there. So off he goes. It is a long way for a homebody (or a homefry, as he used to call himself). It is long way for all of us, but hearts don't know distance, they know longing. I want to say, "Ja, mata!" (see you soon), but must say "Sayonara!" (see you in a long time). Good-bye, Luke! I'll miss you so much!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Last night it was guy's night in our home. We had three of my favorite single guy friends over. My husband and youngest son were also here, so 5 guys and me. We enjoyed a meal together and then played a couple of games. It was just great, easygoing conversation, fun, and laughter. I hope they were blessed as much as I was.

This morning I met with 2 of the gals I regularly meet with on Friday mornings. There are four of us all together. I call them the Friday gals. We have been meeting now for five years. It all started when one of us got breast cancer and the rest of us rallied around her. We decided we needed to do life together. Our lives get busy sometimes and Friday's don't always work, but we have been pretty consistent all those years and don't have any plan of not meeting in the future. We sometimes do a book study, or Bible study, but mostly we bear one another's burdens and joys, both in prayer and in tangible ways. It is a wonderful feeling to know there are those who want to walk beside you on this journey called life.

We are meant for relationship. We are created for it. There are times when I feel like I would like to live in a cave, alone. It seems that it would be easier than having to "deal" with people. Maybe it would be "easier" on some level, but it would not satisfy my heart's desire for belonging, for community. I could still be in fellowship with God, but He desires that I would live out my relationship with Him into the lives of others.

So, while at times, this living life together is difficult at best, it is so worth it! I can't imagine my life without you in it!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just getting started....

I have finally joined the world of blogging. I know I am late on the scene, but it's something I've considered for a long time. I honestly couldn't decide if I really wanted to take the time. Time is such a limited resource and it slips away rapidly like sand through the fingers. I often use the phrase, "You get done what you spend time doing." This is so true! I know we all have the same 24 hours, but a third of that is sleeping, another third (or more) is doing the things you have to do, like making a living, taking care of the home, buying groceries, exercising, etc.

For someone like me who loves and wants to do so many things, I must consider wisely how my time will be spent. If I don't make any consideration of it at all, it rushes by and I can't account for it, or my "must do" list ends up pushing it's way into the "desire to do" list. So is blogging on my "desire to do" list? Perhaps. We will see how it goes.