Friday, June 5, 2009

Whoa! Slow it Down!

My piano teacher told me today that I was playing like I was in a frenzy. He actually meant that I was not keeping a steady rhythm, that I would get tense and start speeding up. Frenzy was a fairly strong word for that, but I wonder if that is what I look like in general sometimes. When things in my life get tough do I have a tendency to tense up and then pick up the pace? Do I subconsciously think that if I start moving faster I can get through the issue quicker or perhaps even avoid it?

I'm convinced that those times in my life I need to do the exact opposite. I should step back, take several deep breaths, and "walk" very slowly, if not just stop and take a good look at the issue. How could I even begin to understand what is unfolding if I'm doing the 100 meter sprint right by it? What discernment I could gain if I took the time to take a hike around what's troubling me and scope it out from all sides. There's plenty of perspective to gain, but it takes shortening the stride, slowing the speed and of course being willing to yield.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb! I liked this post! The pace in Italia is much slower than at home- and we have seen the value in slowing down in many areas where we never did until living here. The world's idea of normal is often way too busy- no time to think, reflect or rest....All is well here in Varese-going to visit my sister in London a week from Thursday- Monte Carlo and Nice were really nice- gorgeous weather too! Miss seeing you.....Love, Jen