Saturday, October 10, 2009


Autumn is harvest time. The majority of us don't harvest any crops. We may have a backyard garden which yields its fruit mid-summer and into the fall, but that isn't exactly harvesting. At any rate this harvest time of the year has got me thinking about seeds. Unless the seed is planted there will be nothing to gather at the end of growing season.

What happens, though, if the seed itself is not healthy. It doesn't produce a very good crop. Let's think about this together. A seed needs to germinate, to grow roots and to simultaneously grow a stalk that can push up to the surface toward the light. A damaged seed may not be able to become well rooted. It might grow roots, but not have enough energy to push upward toward the surface of the dirt above it. If it does manage both, perhaps it will wither soon after beginning to sprout. Let's say the seed is healthy enough to do all this pushing and shoving of dirt. It breaks the surface. It grows, but it hasn't enough stamina to bear any fruit for its labor.

There are all kinds of seeds that can get planted in our hearts. These tiny grains may be healthy, such as, truth, love, joy, or hope. They also can be kernels of doubt, anger, pain, bitterness, or resentment. These are unhealthy seeds. I am wondering what kind of fruit these latter seeds will produce, yet I find it interesting that most of us are so willing to fertilize these kernels. Perhaps it is subconscious effort, but still we allow ourselves to feed them until they become a large fruitless, thorny bush. I am wondering what would happen if we were willing to unearth the damaged grains, cast them aside and begin to water and nourish the good ones that are also there, but getting crowded out as the others grow into worthless weeds. What if we allowed the Son to cast His light on the small but healthy seeds of truth, love, and joy. What would the hope within look like if we allowed The Gardener to attend His crop?

"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf." Hebrews 6:19

"Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns." Jeremiah 4: 5

What does the landscape of your heart look like today? Are you going to continue to do-it-yourself and feed those worthless seeds, that grow into briars and thorns or will you let The Gardener water and shine His light on the seeds He has planted there?

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