Saturday, November 15, 2008

So Very Close

My cat is sitting on my lap as I type. Every once in awhile he looks up at me or head butts my arm to remind me that he is still there. It is hard to forget he is there, but he doesn't know that. He wants to be sure. I stroke his soft fur and reassure him with my words.

Sometimes I think this is the way I am with God. I want to remind Him that I am down here, just in case He has forgotten. I want to be sure. Reality is that I am under the shadow of His wing, just like scripture tells me. He is that close to me. I can't see Him, but I believe that His word is true, so I believe that I am constantly in His presence. Sometimes, though, I look up, or I bump up against Him in some way or rattle around making some noise. Then there are the times I blatantly cry out, "Are you still there? Do you see me? Do you remember that I am here?"

Then He assures me of His presence. I experience Him through the beauty of His creation or the kind word of a friend or stranger. He touches my heart through the lyric of a song or a beautiful melody. As I read His Word it reaches to the deepest place of my soul and I know........He has not forgotten. He sees me and He holds me close...... so very close, next to His heart, in the crook of His arm, under His wing.

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4

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