Monday, January 5, 2009

A Head Full

It has been a whirlwind of days. We did all the usual preparing for and celebrating of Christmas with family and friends. A daughter graduated from college, a son came home from studying abroad. We traveled back and forth across the state. My sister and her husband came for our traditional New Year's visit. During part of the time of preparation and celebrating I was sick, so it called for extra strength I didn't really have.

Now it is regroup time, but the decorations are still up and my energy is low. My youngest is ready to head back to college, and has the living and dining rooms filled with all his belongings. Since he studied abroad in the fall, and is moving into an apartment rather than a dorm, there is an overabundance of stuff. When I look at it combined with my own over-the-top Christmas decor I feel it is a good representation of what my head feels like right now. It is overwhelming!

New Year's resolutions? Who has time to think about that? I am longing for some space, some quiet, but I am not sure how to find it in the moment. Sorry to invite you inside this head. I wish I had something profound to say....I do not. Maybe when the mind is a little less congested.

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