Friday, October 31, 2008

What are we celebrating?

While in Japan I noticed that they too decorated for Halloween. It surprised me a little. I wondered....did they know what the day was all about or did they just borrow the fall holiday and it's decor?

I have never been fond of Halloween. There is something about it that disturbs my spirit. As a child I dressed up and participated in trick or treating. Dressing up was fun, but I was always a bit afraid if not downright frightened as we made our way out into the night. AND every year, I would throw up when we returned home. I suppose it was the combination of fear and lots of candy. Who knows? I've observed children now. A lot of them are scared, too, as they make their way into the dark night with it's ghouls and ghost. They do it, though, cause us moms and dads encourage them to and think they are so cute in their costumes. The scariest thing is most kids will do just about anything for candy.

Like the Japanese, I wonder if most of us know the origins of Halloween or why we celebrate it, or why next to Christmas it is the biggest money maker for the retail business. I know we have over commercialized the celebration of Christmas, and that is not a good thing. Still, I find it so ironic that one holiday is about the giving of life and light and the other celebrates death and darkness, yet one is nearly as prominent as the other.

I encourage you to at least find out what the origins of Halloween are and then you can make an educated choice of whether or not you choose to participate in it and why.

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