Friday, September 5, 2008

Mid-day Melancholy

I'm a little melancholy today. Not bad, just a touch. Not that melancholy is bad. I think creativity thrives in melancholy. I'm not feeling all that creative today, though. For example, I'm eating apples and peanut butter for lunch. I don't even like apples all that well, but it was.....uh, convenient. That isn't creative at all! I laugh though when I've fixed this really amazing lunch on a Saturday and my husband looks at it and says, "Wow!" That looks really good!" This happens time after time when he has just had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He seems so disappointed. I tell him he could have fixed the same thing or waited just a bit and I would have made enough for him as well. He insists that he just can't think of those things. I don't know what to say to that......all the ingredients were there.

That reminds me of a conversation I overheard my two youngest children having when they were much younger. Luke tells his older sister, Melaina, that there is nothing to eat in the house. She tells him not to be concerned with these words, "Don't worry, Luke. You know Mom can make something from nothing." That is back when they still thought Mom controlled the universe AND had eyes in the back of her head. I miss those days!!!!

Ah, well, my apples are gone and I have a piano lesson shortly. I must hit the keys. Perhaps I will return for another blog yet this day. Maybe I will even be creatvie by then.

1 comment:

Tiffany Nevil said...

I love you Debbie! I am having so much fun reading your blog. Love it, love it! Thanks for sharing your heart and mind. It's very encouraging!
