Sunday, September 21, 2008

Waxing and Waning

I was wondering if any one feels the ebb and flow of life like I do. Do you sometimes get really enthusiastic for something and then your enthusiasm just kind of slips away? In my experience it can happen slowly over time, but it can also happen within the scope of a few days, sometimes within a day. Do I get bored easily or do I simply run out of energy?

Okay, that's it! I just lost my excitement over this topic and don't want to blog about it anymore. Just kidding really. I'd actually like to dialogue about it with others for awhile. Am I unique in this or do you feel the same thing?

1 comment:

jookypop said...

the brighter you burn, the faster you burn out. seems i inherited this trait. i get stuck in romanticism, and once the realism sinks in, i lose interest. somedays, i wish i could stay in the middle and remain mellow, but i wouldnt trade the passion for equilibrium, even if it means im eternally undulating. just thoughts...