Monday, September 15, 2008

Stuff for Sale!

Today I have been going through stuff, literally. My daughter wants to have a garage sale this weekend, so I need to purge the closests, cabinets, and other storage areas. You know how it is. It is work, but acually feels great to clean out the things that I simply am not using any more. I am not a hoarder, but I am certainly no minimalist. I could probably benefit from lessons in mimimalism. Is there such a thing?

Actually, I'm being a little hard on myself. I'm not one of those who have let things pile up and pile up. Nearly every time a charity calls and asks for a donation, I come up with at least a little box or bag I can put out for them. So I go through the stuff fairly regularly. I'm sure my daughter wishes she could sell all those things I have put out over the last couple of years.

I don't like having garage sales. It is a whole lot of work for a little return. I told Melaina (just like the last garage sale we had) that I would help her by finding things to sell and by setting up for the sale, but that it was her responsibility to work the sale. I don't even care if she keeps most of the proceeds. I was going to set it out for the charity truck anyway. I'd just like to cover the ad (which by-the-way cost a pretty penny these days). I also don't like the whole bargaining thing. I don't appreciate it when people ask less than the ridiculously low price the item already is. Melaina is so much better at this than I am. She kind of enjoys it. When I go to other peoples garage sales, which I actually like to do, I never ask them for a different price. If I don't want to pay what they are offering, I don't need it. Question is though, do I need it at all? It is someone else's discarded stuff for crying out loud!

I think it is kind of funny that we buy things that we think we need, use them for awhile or a little and then put them out in the garage or driveway to sell to other people. There has been an occasion or two when I have actually sold something I never took the tags off of. That is simply pathetic! Why didn't I just take it back to the store? (Probably because I also do not like returning things. I make myself do it, though, in most instances, okay?)

I wonder if God wants to go through the stuff of my heart. What were all the "things" I bought that I thought I needed that have just settled themselves in my being. Some of them still have the tags on, I'm sure. I thought I wanted it, even needed it, but it wasn't quite right. Still it is there, with all the other stuff, just taking up room, crowding out any space for what is truly needful.

In Luke, chapter 11, Jesus along with his disciples go to the home of Martha and Mary. Martha is busy running around doing, who knows maybe she was trying to get ready for a garage sale when they happened along and interrupted her day. When they sat down to talk, Mary sits at the feet of Jesus and takes in all He has to say. Martha is frustrated with Mary and longs for her help. She approaches Jesus with her complaint. Jesus responds to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried about and upset about many things, but few are needed--or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her."

Having things is okay and selling them at a garage sale is okay, too. Letting stuff (whether tangible or not) take our time or crowd our hearts, though, is not what is better. Few things are needed --or indeed only one. May you sit at His feet, allowing Him to fill both mind and heart.

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